Casing editor
The aircalc NEXT Casing Optimizer generates panels, profiles, and additional casing elements such as roofs and base frames. It is a rules-driven algorithm designed to determine the most cost-efficient profile and panel configuration, taking into account all technical aspects of your unit and company requirements, such as maximum panel dimensions, unit design, and structural stability.
The aircalc NEXT Casing Optimizer integrates seamlessly with the selected unit in aircalc NEXT. Any changes, such as manually added doors, modified opening sizes, or relocated components, are automatically incorporated and serve as the foundation for the casing editor. This eliminates the need for the construction office to manually reproduce the unit or re-enter data into an additional module. The casing is updated in real time with each modification, determining the necessary casing profiles, the placement of Omega (intermediate) profiles, and reinforcement for heavy components like doors.
All decisions made by the aircalc NEXT Casing Optimizer are based on pre-agreed rules established during a 3-day startup meeting for the casing editor. These rules, which are derived from actual AHUs in production, are set up in aircalc NEXT and stored in the database, where they are visible and modifiable by the database administrator.
As a result, the aircalc NEXT Casing Optimizer produces a 3D drawing of the casing, indicating all types of profiles, panels, doors, and openings. A multifunctional editor allows users to make further adjustments if special modifications are needed. The construction office can directly edit the 3D model, moving, adding, or splitting panels, changing profile types, modifying materials for individual components, or altering panel types.
All changes are saved to the project file and can be shared with other offices or users. The updated 3D model forms the basis for all 2D production drawings, complete with detailed assembly instructions for the assembly team, ensuring optimal information flow from the office to production. No additional printouts are required, as all necessary information and drawings for casing assembly are immediately available.
All this for self supporting, frameless or frame construction with standard or custom profile shapes. The construction process is expedited by up to 10x with the aircalc NEXT Casing Optimizer.